You put a lot of money into your automobile and have cherished it since the day that you bought it. Over time, it is easy to become attached to your vehicle in many different ways loving and caring for it as if it was a child. When it has been in a bad accident, you more than likely will want to rush to get it into the hands of a caring professional that is going to get your baby back in shape in no time, right?
There is a wide variety of auto body and collision shops that you can choose to go to throughout all of Texas and several choices that are available within the beautiful city of Garland. However, none of them are able to match the quality of work and service that Mark Paynes Collision has been able to provide our customers in this area for almost a decade now. Since we opened this shop in 2004, we have been able to provide high quality service to thousands of customers that needed to have their own babies examined and repaired to look as good as new or even better in most cases.
We are located within the downtown pit of Garland at 209 South 5th Street, not too far up the road from Empire Motorcars and Automotive Innovations. Our shop is fully equipped with everything that our customers need and more, meeting the requirements of all the customers that walk through our doors while also being able to exceed their expectations.
While other body shops only have one or two available repair bays, Mark Paynes Collision has five. We will not have to send your vehicle anywhere else to get painted, because we have one paint booth built into our shop as well. Our shop also comes with an alignment rack that allows us to do even more maintenance and repair work for our customers than just repair cosmetic damage. To add an extra level of comfort for our customers, we even clean and accessible restrooms as well.
Just as a parent has the freedom to choose which doctor sees their own children, you have the freedom of choice to take your vehicle wherever you want to get the professional assistance that it needs to get back into shape and look as good as it did when it left the showroom floor. However, if you want the very best quality service from the very best quality providers, then you are not going to want to look any further than Mark Paynes Collision.